Getting started

If you are on the page this means you have been requested to complete safer recruitment checks for your employer. Not a problem, it's a really simple process. Just follow this guidance and we will help you through it, in less than 5 minutes.

Got your secure link?

Use your secure link to register with Llama ID

What is a secure link?

A secure link is a URL you click to securely create an account to connect to your employer. You will have received an email and a text message (optional) with an invite link which you need to click.

Email subject: Llama IDhas requested you to complete screening information. Create your account now

If you have not received a secure invite link, you can ask your employer to resend the invite email or text message again, so you can create the account.

  • When your employer invites you to complete checks you will receive an email and a text message (text message is optional)
  • The email and text message will provide you with a secure link to create an account
  • Click the link and it will take you to the following screen.

Create an account

Create your Llama IDaccount.

Once you have created your Llama IDaccount, you will need to go to the login screen. This is where you will enter the email and password you have just used to create an account in the previous step.

Click log in and then enter your account details.

If you have already forgotten your password, you can reset it by clicking 'Forgot password'. This will send you a secure link to reset your password.


Once you are logged in you just need to fill in some simple details to get started.

Do you have a TRA number?

The first question you will be asked is if you have a TRA number. A TRA number is specific to teaching. If you do have a TRA number click Teaching staff. If you do not have a TRA then click, Other staff.

Your personal information

Now you just need to add your personal information. You will not be able to edit your Position, as this is what has been set by the organisation. Once you have completed this please click continue.

llama account created

Once you have passed this step, this means your Llama ID account has been successfully created. You will not need to go into Llama ID and consent to the GDPR policies of your employer so you can connect with them.

Employer connect

It is important that you consent to your employers GDPR and privacy policies, so that your data is share securely and you are aware of how they will use your data


Simply click the company that has requested you to connect to them. You can read their statement and view, and download their policies.

You are now connected

It will show that you are now connected to the employer to complete the relevant checks. Click complete checks and you will see the checks, forms and documents you need to complete to start work for your future employer or agency.

Go to Llama ID to log in